There ain't too many fancy clothings, pretty people, smart conversations and exciting plots like other movies do. But why not? Life is ordinary, and that's what you're likely to get too. I feel it at the end of it, and that makes me really happy. Love this movie :)
资本家操控美国政治实锤之一?华府宫斗爽片,不讲武德 vs 更不讲武德的无仁义之战,全片最有职业道德的竟是只鸭(bushi 编剧处女作写出如此完成度已很了不起,对白表达词汇量屌炸,JC的表演更是给全片注入了鲜明的灵魂。当初在香港因为预告片台词中二原以为是政坛装逼宫斗烂片于是没去影院买票,万万没想到五年后豆瓣评分会飙升至8.8……