因为当下的心境吧,看剧的时候满脑子都是长假里的那段名言: 就把它当作一次神赐的很长很长的休假吧,不需要总是尽全力冲刺的,人总有不顺的时候,或者疲倦的时候,不必勉强冲刺,不必紧张,不必努力加油,一切顺其自然。然后呢,然后大概就会好转。 Don't worry, be happy.
"Whatever else Breathless is, it’s a Valentine to two impossibly young, eminently watchable faces. They’re not especially beautiful, but the camera can’t stop looking at them. To put it another way, Breathless is an extended close-up of two people who will never get to know each other or themselves any better than the viewer does." "I’m going to outstare you. Bit it was more than just a staring contest between me and the camera. My relation to the camera, it had nothing to do with complicity to insolence, or boldness or defiance." — From The Journals of Jean Seberg