Boxing is about respect. Getting it for yourself, and taking it away from the other guy. If there's magic in boxing, it's the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance, beyond cracked ribs, ruptured kidneys and detached retinas. It's the magic of risking everything for a dream.
松散地基于 Philip K Dick 的短篇小说 We Can Remember It for You Wholesale,一名建筑工人将成为火星特工的梦想植根于真实的记忆中,其性幻想中有部分黑色电影的性别要素,金法女郎、褐发女郎与蛇蝎美人。也许人类所有关于高科技与未来的幻想,都是性幻想,制造一个理想的世界,跟自己喜欢的异性或同性共同战斗或岁月静好,如果有一天这一切真的能够通过编码实现,那么它们不会用于希特勒或凯撒这样的统治者,相反,他们始终将是是最清醒的,更愿意沉湎于这些梦乡的将是道格拉斯这样没有希望在现实中获得一切的蓝领工人。