that's what i called a hero!老爷子气场太强了,根本不需要枪,仅仅一个手势便已见血封侯。
1有一个懂你的对手,也是幸运。 2莫扎特,天才。composer,作曲家。Concerto at the age of 4, Symphony at 7, a full-scale opera at 12. 协奏曲,交响曲,歌剧。《费加罗的婚礼》,莫扎特。《安魂曲》,译作。death mass。(莫扎特的笑声。)(人为财死鸟为食亡。) 3Only talent interests a woman of taste.有品味的女人,在乎的只是才华。 4A word, please.借一步说话。 5“Let’s have some fun.” “If a man cannot earn, he must borrow.” “You don’t have secret from me.” 6po