看完了,摩根弗里曼呢?就开头看到了下😂"Son, sometimes you have to be a lion, so you can be the lamb you really are". 就是剪得拼接感太严重了
There’s plenty going on in terms of psychological tension and conflict in Gypsy. Life doesn’t have clear cut outcomes. Life is murky, unsure, contradictory, deceptive. It forces us to look in the mirror. We all have these thoughts of escape. Naomi Watts is brilliant and hot.
Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. 这是这部电影的点睛之笔。如果你能接受一只老鼠制作的美食(反正我是接受不了,特别是上百只老鼠从天而降那里),还有什么成见是你不能突破的呢