10.0大卫·阿奎特,丹尼·A·阿贝卡瑟尔,P·J·伯恩,吉米-林·辛格勒,詹妮弗·艾斯波西多,吉诺·卡法雷利,Sasha Feldman,安东尼·德·桑多,罗伯特·戴维,尼克·科德罗,詹姆斯·麦卡弗里,Kyle Stefanski,Aaron Ronnie Almani,加里·帕斯托雷,George V. Andreakos,Jon Carlo,凯特琳·梅纳,维森特·拉雷斯卡
«L'amour est une solution, à condition qu'il soit vrai.»才意识到第十一幕剧中的老爷子是Brice Parrain,真哲学家客串。62年的戈达尔,好像陈年美酒,值得细品。虽说讲prostituée,却处处有女性意识——面对圣女贞德默片的哭泣,拒绝接吻,关于责任的解读,台球厅里的舞,咖啡厅里的哲学论题。爱伦.坡的故事何尝不是戈达尔与安娜的故事呢?艺术创作终究以其作为土壤的现实映射这一本身的消亡为代价,安娜的觉醒必然以安娜的死亡为序章,多么残酷而柔软的戈达尔。
The season seems a bit repetitive and less complex than before: the good place is not really a good place after all, so humans try to redesign it. Still, I'm giving five stars all because of the last episode. It is sentiment, encouraging, inspirational, and reflective. It really struck a core inside me and I could only ball over the feeling of finally being at peace at your life, and then accepting the ultimate control over your life with no re-do.