最近都在追比赛看不下太多电影,这部正好关于次关注项目——跳台滑雪的传记片在WOG期间看了也算是挺应景的。 并不了解原型事件,电影的呈现“说的”比“做的”多,人物形象和情节走向都给人一种非现实的感觉,所以不太贴合“励志”,只能说是一段疯狂而传奇的经历。 打动人心的不是成就,而是背后的执着。 “输赢都是凡夫俗子需要考虑的,而我们这样的人,是为了灵魂而战。” The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Loved it! Particularly when i picked up more football knowledge recent years staying here n understand how arduous to advance to NFL.